I played guess the flag with CTF.SG last week, spending a total of 3 hours to solve 20+/- of all the guess challenges. We only had a few people playing, so it wasn’t surprising that we finished around top 40.
All-in-all, I think that guess challenges are fine when they are kept to a fraction of the amount of points for the usual challenges. Maybe not so fun for teams competing for tiebreaker though.
Scavenger Hunt
Million Dollar Jar of Mayo
Category: Scavenger Hunt | 205 solves | 5 points
Challenge Description
Have you seen the million dollar jar of mayo on HackerOne?This is obviously referring to Mayo, the well-known hacker who earned over a million USD on HackerOne.
flag{My_0wn_ey3z}Like and Subscribe
Category: Scavenger Hunt | 279 solves | 5 points
Challenge Description
There's something about liking and subscribing on YouTube!Go to HackerOne’s youtube channel about page. You don’t actually have to like or subscribe.
flag{did_you_like_and_subscribe}One of Us
Category: Scavenger Hunt | 114 solves | 5 points
Challenge Description
Go back to where it all started.Where is all started…? Why not check out “Getting Started” on HackerOne’s FAQ?
flag{0ne_0f_1337_us}The Streamer
Category: Scavenger Hunt | 278 solves | 5 points
Challenge Description
https://twitch.tv/The streamer can only be nahamsec, so we go to twitch.tv/nahamsec and find the flag.
flag{kappa_kappa_kappa}The Chosen One
Category: Scavenger Hunt | 114 solves | 5 points
Challenge Description
NYC2017MVHJust google for the (famous) user who attended 2017 MVH. Flag is in this profile description.
flag{wh0_put_this_here}Hacker101 Discord
Category: Scavenger Hunt | 102 solves | 5 points
Challenge Description
Just join the discord, the flag is in #iot-village.
flag{IoT_village_FTW}The Social Media Influencer
Category: Scavenger Hunt | 151 solves | 5 points
Challenge Description
Placeholder text
flag{d0uble_t4p_and_follow}Security Report Powered by Hackers
Category: Scavenger Hunt | 40 solves | 5 points
Challenge Description
Did you know that 78% of hackers used their hacking experience to help them find or better compete for a career opportunity?This is referring to one of the yearly reports. You’ll know from the title.
You can even see it from Google.
flag{p0wered_by_hack3rs}Ride Share Disclosures
Category: Scavenger Hunt | 99 solves | 5 points
Challenge Description
Do you even lift, though?This is referring to the recent disclosure by Nahamsec.
flag{plz_bounty_plz}Capture the Changelog
Category: Scavenger Hunt | 15 solves | 5 points
Challenge Description
HackerOne.com/????????I was the 4th solver for this. Changelog obviously refers to the policy changelog, and the question was simply which program it was. Given that this is HackerOne’s official ctf, I deduced that the link was referring to Hackerone/security
, and there was the flag.
You can see it for yourself: https://hackerone.com/security/policy_versions?type=team&change=3640655
flag{read_the_freaking_scope}As someone who used to run a bug bounty in my previous company, I concur with the flag.
Lights, Camera, Hacking!
Category: Scavenger Hunt | 177 solves | 5 points
Challenge Description
Did you even read the video?How do you write a video?
The answer is of course, in the transcript. You’ll find the flag in the HackerOne video of the same name.
flag{hackers_of_the_world}Find Me Treasure.xml
Category: Scavenger Hunt | 39 solves | 5 points
Challenge Description
Arr, ye dare find me treasure.xml?This is referring to HackerOne’s ARG. So just go to hackerone.com/ar-treasure
Category: Scavenger Hunt | 69 solves | 5 points
Challenge Description
Just go to config.yml
in HackerOne’s official github repo.
Not sure why it refers to #35
because I found it on #50
flag{git_sh!t_d0ne}Pentesters Unite
Category: Scavenger Hunt | 58 solves | 5 points
Challenge Description
Hack2LearnHack to learn? Sounds like something related to the basics of pentesting:
flag{hacker_powered_pentest}The Hacker101
Category: Scavenger Hunt | 144 solves | 5 points
Challenge Description
Is this CTF working?Placeholder text
Category: Scavenger Hunt | 169 solves | 5 points
Challenge Description
This refers to the upcoming event. Just view source of the page and grep flag{